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Thanks to the wonderful contributions of our Patrons we are happy to annouce the ASK THE STARS Ask Series!

Where our $10 Tier and Above Patrons can contribute questions of any kind to our wide and continuially expansive cast and seen them answered in special art on a monthly basis, with 15$ Tier Patrons receiving priority in the answer queue.

The Rules: What makes this series special is that you can ask questions either to the characters themselves, or to the "Actors" playing them. Depending on who you wish to direct your question you, you can use their Character or Actor name in the handy cast list below.

Every month there will be a post where you can leave your questions in the comments section and we will choose from the selection. While 15$ Pareons do receive priority, we will ensure there is a healthy and fair rotation to avoid answering the same person twice in a row. 

Finally, there is no restriction on whether the questions asked can be Lewd, Wholesome, or just General Curiosity Questions. All that we ask is that you don't post anything rude, overly aggresive, or offensively mean. But we trust y'all.

If you need anything clarified or elaborated upon comment on this post an we will be happy to clear things up.

Cast List: (will be posted on each monthly Questionnaire and expanded as more comics are made): 

Character: Steven Universe / Actor: Zeke Collision

Character: Pearl / Actor: Cici Mango Foyer

Character: Garnet / Actor: Stella Soirée 

Character: Amethyst / Actor: Mikaela Abstinenz

Character: Peridot / Actor: Chelsey Barabas

Character: Jasper / Actor: Tiffany Streams

Character: Connie Maheswaran / Actor: Tracey Rolex

Character: Enid Mettle  / Actor: Bailey Veer

Character: Elodie Fletcher / Actor: Avar Rukha

Character: Shannon Boxman / Actor: Carrie Fenseblu

(Special thanks to @CalvinFujii on Twitter for the SU name suggestions)




All Ask The Stars Questions for the Month of Novamber can be posted at this link here!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ask-stars-2022-74625584?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator


I'm sorry I don't understand if the answer will be different if I ask the character name or the actor name because if I ask that character name does that mean they'll answer the question in character and if I asked the the actor's name and the answer is the actors opinion or does it not matter and I can just ask either name and I'll get the same answer


If you ask the actor you will be geting a separate answer as they are separate beings. it does matter who you ask, thats part of the fun.


Edit: Added Pearl & Cici Mango Foyer to the cast list as i forgot to add her in while typing this all out.

Hunter Garrett

How do we submit questions?