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Hello everyone,

As the update has just been released, there's no news about the next version yet.
So I'm going to tell you about the minigame I mentioned in a previous post.

Why isn't there a new minigame? Because I haven't figured out what game to add.
Thank you for your attention and I'll see you next week.

All right, I'll tell you a bit more.

The original idea was to make a keyboard game.

But that was abandoned due to the fact that 70% of the players are playing on mobile devices, and the keys on the keyboard are too small to hit with your fingers.

Then I thought about making a game similar to Wordle but Naruto themed. But the problem is that the game will be translated into several languages, so I need a large word base for each language. And it's better not to think about how to translate this in Chinese.

According to the storyline, the MC there fills in forms for employees, I thought about making a "Papers, Please" kind of game. I even sketched the interface.

Here I thought it was getting a bit too complicated for a small minigame.

Anyway, I still can't think of a simple minigame to put here :(

If you have any ideas, post them in the comments or DM me.

=== RUS ===

Всем привет!

Т.к. только недавно вышло обновление, новостей по следующей версии ещё нет.
Поэтому расскажу про мини-игру, про которую я говорил в одном из прошлых постов.

Итак, почему же не было новой мини-игры? Потому что я не придумал, какую игру добавить. Спасибо за внимание, увидимся через неделю.

Ладно, расскажу немного поподробнее.

Изначально была идея сделать игру с нажатием на клавиши на клавиатуре.
Но от этого пришлось отказаться из-за того, что 70% играют на мобильных устройствах, а кнопки на клавиатуре слишком маленькие, чтобы попадать по ним пальцами.

Затем я думал сделать игру по типу Wordle с тематикой по Наруто. Но тут проблема в том, что игра переводится на несколько языков и нужна большая база слов для каждого языка. А о том, как эту игру сделать на китайском, лучше уж вообще не думать.

Т.к. по сюжету, ГГ там заполняет бланки для работников, я подумал сделать игру по типу Papers, Please. И даже набросал небольшой скетч интерфейса.

Тут я уже подумал, что становится как-то слишком сложно для небольшой мини-игры.

В общем, так и не придумал какую простенькую мини-игру можно вставить в это место :(

Если у вас есть идеи, пишите в комменты или в ЛС.




Her is my Idea, since you seem to want something office based and usable on a tablet or phone how about a tap game over a keyboard where keys on the keyboard will light up and the player has to tap them. There is the possibility for combo bonuses and high scores, and to avoid any translation issues you only need to use the layout of the established Boruto era keyborads already shown in the show.


This was the first original idea I mentioned in the post. I wanted to to the keyboard on the top of the screen and Irene scene at the bottom (just like with monitor at picture in the post). But I think the keyboard area will be too small for finger taps. I just got an idea, what if we'll use a only a main part of the keyboard without numpad and arrows? This may work. We could make even 2 versions of the game, for PC with full keyboard and for mobile with small version. Ok, I need to test it. Thanks


Mini games can be fun, but sometimes people just want to get on with the story. My idea is simple. There should be a Skip function, so the player can watch the scenes without buttons in the way. However, to give players an incentive to play the game, you could reward them with in-game money or Chakra for completing the game. This way the player has an incentive to try the game and also the option to skip it when it gets repetitive. As far as mini games go, maybe try one like those fishing games? A simple bar on the side (or bottom) of the screen with a green zone in the middle. Tap an on-screen button when your character symbol is on or near the green zone. Repeatedly getting a "hit" will increase pleasure and missing the green area will remove pleasure. Maxed out pleasure will result in cum shot. Just a random idea