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Current writers do not respond, so we are looking for new people.

It is not necessary to be a permanent writer. If you already have an idea for a quest or several quests, you can also respond.


Write without mistakes (at least without stupid mistakes).

Know the characters.
Take into account the previous scenario.

It is desirable to have a writing experience, but not necessarily.


Depends on the amount of work performed, but no more than
money_on_the_patreon / people_in_the_team.

If you are ready to work for the idea we are always glad to see you :)

Contact me via discord

------ RUS ------

Текущие сценаристы не отзываются, поэтому ищем новых людей.

Не обязательно быть постоянным сценаристом. Если у вас уже есть идея для квеста или нескольких квестов, можете тоже откликнуться.


Грамотно писать, без ошибок.

Знать характеры персонажей, чтобы не было диссонанса.
Учитывать предыдущий сценарий.

Желательно иметь писательский опыт, но не обязательно.


Зависит от объема выполненных работ, но не больше
сумма_на_патреоне / кол-во_человек_в_команде.

Если готовы работать за идею - мы вам всегда рады :)

Если заинтересовались, пишите в лс в дискорде


(No title)



Do you need someone to write new content, or simply clean up english for content you would be writing and just need smoothed over so it reads naturally? If it's that second one I have years of experience helping non-native english speakers. I would be happy to offer my services. I've also seen all of Naruto, so have extensive knowledge of the characters.


Hi. First one. But your offer is also looks good. Contact me via discord.

Nikolaj K.

Hi, I'm kind of interested in knowing more about this. I already work as a writer on an (at the moment) smaller game, but I have some large gaps where I don't work while art and such get done. I've seen all of Naruto a couple of times, so i know about the characters. I have some questions regarding what specifically I would do, but it might be better to save that right now. Of cause, this is all assuming you still need an extra writer. Cheers.