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i basically said everything i wanted to say on discord server, but will sum it up for official announcement

this is the last month i'll be doing OC requests

it was a fun and interesting experience, but i feel like it's time to move on to something else

thanks to everyone who suggested their amazing OCs for me to draw (。・ω・。)ノ♡

I plan to update tiers description a bit and draw little cover thingies for the them by the end of the month

in the future i'll be announcing whenever i'll be open for commissions on discord server (1-2 slots per month or something like that, we'll see how it goes)

 i'll probably need to change discord server a bit, come up with new roles and stuff like that, will think about it a bit later

I still plan to draw mostly original content with my own OCs and some fanart so i hope you'll find it interesting and will keep supporting me (∩˃o˂∩)♡



Looking forward to what you make going forward! Regardless of the content, am always happy and willing to support you~ 💜💜


Just like in the past, if you need any extra help setting up the Discord boops, just lemme know. I'll be happy to help. <3