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upd.: seems like buymeacoffee doesn't work anymore. boosty seems to be alright, i can get payments there, but wasn't able to test payouts yet. paysend is still a last resort option, as some say it's not good for frequent payments

i'm currently in a very.. unpleasant sutuation, let's call it that.

for those of you who don't know - i'm russian. and you're probably aware of what's happening now. don't want to sound cold or indifferent, but i won't discuss that theme. we all know it's terrible and have to stop. 

i will talk only about MY personal problems, hope you all understand. 

so the thing is that PayPal is not working here anymore, meaning i can't withdraw money from patreon. i know that there's payoneer option, tried to get an account there, but not sure if it'll work, so i just want to see what other alternatives are there. 

for now i have:

  • buymeacoffee page, people say it works, i'm currently testing it, will update you on that later 
  • paysend account, it seem to work for now, but i haven't tested it myself yet 
  • boosty page, basically it's russian patreon analog, so it should work no matter what, but i don't know if foreigners can use it properly

i was able to withdraw some money from PayPal few days ago, they should arrive on 11.03. if everything goes well and i'll get those, i'm safe for few months, if not.. well i'll need to figure that out. 

for now i'd ask you to try boosty and please let me know about your experience

thank you for supporting me. hope this mess will end soon. 



I’m really sorry to hear about your situation, and yeah, I can understand not wanting to talk about the other thing. I’ll have to give one of those other sites a try. I think it’s incredibly stupid that PayPal is being blocked over there, since it’s the easiest way to send money. Again, I’ll have to see about those other service providers. Stay save out there.


Im sorry to hear about things Iwbitu ><. If there is anything one can do to help, I will try to. Stay safe and stay awesome @@


Ah, I never realised you are Russian - that explains russian commissions here and there 😂 I am Russian myself, but thankfully not in the country at the moment... So sending all the best wishes I can and will switch to paying through other platforms, hope things get better soon 🥲


Im sorry to hear you're having issues too!! Would it be possible for a friend of yours outside of Russia to withdraw your patreon money for you and send it via one of the methods you wrote about? Stay safe!!


It really sucks to hear how the aanctions affect the normal people, rather than the people in power. I made a boosty account now and subscribed. Hope it works.


i'm not sure.. i was able to withdraw last month payments, and currently don't have any money left here, so i'll probably just pause patreon for some time if nothing changes by the end of the month

Ninjacycel Coralic

I hope you will be better and be safe :> Lots of Love here and be carefull!!

Ninjacycel Coralic

Hope it all goes better no worries :> we Love youuuu


im out atm but will check it out once i get back

James York

Hopefully all works well for you and I'll try Boosty but I know some credit cards are suspending payments to Russia so hopefully you don't get dragged under more by all this.


I don't understand why everyone is punishing the Russian civilian for this, you guys didn't get asked if you wanted to go to war with Ukraine, you guys didn't get asked anything and your leader doesn't care what happens to you. SO all of this is stupid to shut off the Russian civilians method of payments.

Daybreaker Rein

I actually wasn't aware you are Russian. It is upsetting that these companies are punishing people who didn't ask to be part of a international conflict. I hope you stay safe and can get through this! Sending my best wishes! I am currently out of town on vacation, so I will look into Boosty as soon as I get back! I want to continue supporting you any way I can :)


Stay safe, iwbitu! I know it's a shitty world right now, but we'll keep cheering for you all the same. ♥


Gosh, this sucks totally. I hope this thing ends quickly. There is also this website, not sure how it works. But many artists use it. -> https://www.subscribestar.com/ <- But honestly~~ you should consider creating (in future) a offshore bank account/ use bank from different country like Switzerland ( since swiss-neutrality ). 1 thing cracks and your whole life-income depends on it -w- d=(´▽`)=b


i'm not sure if subscribestar will work for me in current situation, but will try to check, thanks. and yeah.. i should be more prepared in the future TwT


x_x good luck with that. Situation ain't fun for anyone in the globe right now. Hopefully this gets resolve soon. I'll check again to see some way to be able to help you since I've seen your work on some of my friend OC and your work is fantastic.

Rook and Pandy

I've been using paysend with other russian artist.