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i decided to stop doing polls .w.a

drawing fanart for patreon was supposed to be "taking breaks from commissioned work, relaxing and drawing for fun" but i realized that it kinda became the opposite _(:3」∠)_

i'm taking all of this too seriously and it's getting harder and harder each month to provide drawings with characters that sometimes i don't even like that much AND doing commissions at the same time

on top of that i'm getting kinda lost wth my drawing style, don't know which direction should i move, don't know how to improve and all that stuff. constantly trying to become better i completely lost the idea of what is "better" 

that's why i decided  to change things here. i'll still try to do some fanarts  and maybe some personal work, but i'll be spending less time on making it "perfect" and will focus on drawing what i personally like, experimenting, doing study images and so on. i really want to bring that feeling of "drawing is fun" back ;w;

so yeah!.. patreon is becoming what i originally wanted it to be - a tip jar. if you like what i do and still want to support me - THANK YOU! but don't expect too much haha x'9

here's a Sonico pic that i wanted to draw for literal ages x'3

and you can also find a psd in the attached files~



Anime FemPyro

Heh. No more rioting on rigged polls.


Focus on your own style! i am sure it will continue to evolve with time the way you want it to :>

John Storm

Very cute 😊


don't worry! honestly the best art from an artist comes from them drawing shit THEY wanna draw! so i'm hyped for you to do what you want >:)


Glad to hear your making this change! I've never been a huge fan of polls since there's usually one character everyone flocks to and there's no competition, so you might not even be drawing who you want to like you said! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this and am glad to see you're going back to "tip jar"! Also super happy to see you finally draw Super Sonico! I've wanted to see you draw her for ages! She looks great >w<

Lars Bishop

Will you draw at least some NSFW works for us in the future?


As a total art noob, I don't even know what you could further improve. Your art looks hot and great! I hope you find the fun back in drawing! If necessary, take a vacation. We are here to support you!


I’m fine with that. The characters I usually voted for never won anything anyway, so at least this way it will be a mystery on what you’ll draw next. As long as I get me my thicc thighs, I’m happy. Also, while I’m not an artist, your art is damn near perfect in my opinion.


Yeah I can agree voting wasn't that good. There was always that 1 character which was more famous and got much more votes. You could never find a perfect poll ^^ I just hope you will share with us your "studies" >w< ( even with some wips i always love seeing progress of art and various changes )


It always pains me when content creators dont put themselves first, true fans want them happy first and foremost


It's always a treat to see your work, iwbitu! Your fans will always support your choices, and I personally look forward to seeing what your experiments produce! Keep being awesome. ❤

Daybreaker Rein

Great piece, and understand completely what you are going through! Focus on yourself and do what you need to do! Be glad to continue to supporting regardless :)