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i should probably take a break with those "multiple poses" pics, getting tired of them a bit _(:3」∠)_

even though it's fun and i like the final result, i'ts getting kinda hard to do such amount of pics every time ahhh (´;ω;`)



Kira Shizumi

I'll never get tired of the multiple poses!! They're all a beautiful representation of your skill as an artist :3


The multiple pose stuff is great but you could potentially draw more characters if you do just one pose. Can't hurt to mix things up.


You can certainly take a break to focus on single pose artwork for a while, although these multi-pose pieces of yours are practically a trademark at this point! I love em


looks amazing. and yeah be sure and not burn out with all the poses very time. it's a massive bonus for both us viewers and your skills but take care of yourself.


gosh, this nice fit tummy >w<