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they strong ᕙ[ ˵ ͡’ ω ͡’ ˵ ]ᕗ

also just a reminder that you can get their daki covers on cuddly octopus >w> 

Shini (the blue one)

Kiri (the red one) 




Wow they look awesome they are really endowed lol awesome job as usual!


Also I wanted to thank you for when you like or respond to my comments it makes my day especially now since I’ve recently had to say goodbye to my cat and it hurts but I’m thanking all the creators or artist who make me smile or etc and your art is awesome and your oc is hot so she makes me smile lol I’m sorry to post something sad but I just want to thank you have a great day or night!


Sorry to hear that.. ( ; ; ) i’m glad i could brighten up your day a bit (;ω;)

Daybreaker Rein

So happy to see these two again 🥰