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i need to make a headless horseman-esque pumpkin head man that is so hot, so hung, so virile and dominating and fuckable. I have to, i've got to, and then I've got to draw him raw-dogging like a madman. this is imperative, for the sake of halloween, i MUST. What pumpkin should I base his palette and design off of?

share links to pretty pumkins below! Also how big should i make his SHMEAT. Balls or no balls, idk throw suggestions at me for his design and I'll take it into consideration.

gotta create the hottest, most fuckable halloween spirit man



nurse, they're out of bed again! ;)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween#/media/File%3AJack-o'-Lantern_2003-10-31.jpg oddly enough, wikipedia has a nice pumpkin. What I think is that the body could be like a thick vine body with matching meat, balls too


https://www.designbolts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Cool-Pumpkin-Designs-2016.jpg Founds this cool eyes-pumpkin! I always enjoy a nice medium-sized shmeat with a good pair o' balls tbh! A curvy body would be a blessing too haha