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I was lucky to talk with most of the recently eliminated contestants from The Challenge 39: Battle for a New Champion.

I sat down with Michele and Olivia to talk about their experiences on The Challenge 39: Battle for a New Champion. Michele and Olivia talk about the injuries they sustained during the Drum Roll daily, the all women's alliance, Michele has some pretty strong words for Colleen and Olivia talks about how much she learned about herself this season. 

James was not available or was ducking exit interviews since he really didn't do much. And to get the full scope of his game it would probably be best to talk with Moriah. This interview was pretty interesting and I hope you enjoy it!




James was definitely in this interview. He was just invisible, like this whole season.


Hahahaha That's really funny. I'm actually really happy James wasn't on the interview because I really don't know what I would've asked him


I wish you would’ve pushed Michelle on her hatred of Colleen. That seemed to come out of nowhere. Her problem is she overextends herself. I think she’s lucky it took 2 months to get rid of Kyland and Horacio, because she would’ve otherwise had to turn on her own people.


The original plan was to have separate interviews for each Michele and Olivia. But at the last minute they changed it up that they both were on together. If I was able to have a full 20mins with Michele I probably would've asked more indepth about Colleen. But having another person on there on top of Olivia having technical problems which were a major distraction. You're right; if Kyland and Horacio hadn't kept winning things could've gotten really messy for Michele and that whole alliance of "friends". It's just funny now seeing everyone in that alliance frustrated with each other after this season wrapped up lol