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This is a wild time for The Challenge 39 Battle for a New Champion - luckily I was able to sit down with the most recently eliminated to get more info. 

If 2's a party, 3's a crowd...well 4 is a riot. I sit down with Ed, Horacio and Kyland all at once to get their side of what happened this past episode. From Kyland and Horacio pulling one over with the cast by entering the house one at a time, Ed's blunder in the daily that led to his purge, what Horacio felt about Olivia's betrayal and so much more. 

I never interviewed more than 2 people at once before so this was a new experience. I had so many questions to ask these three specific competitors and had very little time. In all, it was great to pick all their minds, they all were incredibly candid with me about their experiences and I had so much fun getting to talk with them. Hopefully everyone enjoys this exit interview. 




I wish these three had their own interviews. My three favs this season and at least two of them feel like they'd be very genuine and entertaining interviews. Ed is fun lol but he's an in person kind of fun guy, not the best for remote interviews haha


Great interview! I hope to see these guys back on The Challenge soon. As a side note, I hope I wasn't the only viewer to see Emanuel's Mom and realize she's about my age. Then I realized I've been watching The Challenge more years of my life than not. Have watched from the beginning and have been hooked since Challenge 2000. So glad to have found this channel for us enthusiasts!


Trust me, I wish I could've gotten 3 separate interviews as well. I probably had more questions for this trio than anyone else I've interviewed this season and for them to be jumbled together was tough.