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Here are the current scores & standings for The Challenge USA 2 Fantasy Game through episode 13. 

Here is the link to pick your FINALS captain (and replacement if needed): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgL4s5PjPLq9OTJUWx8IKnJtXA94h2E7LO8tR2ptYa6IUxoQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

  • Remember, you just can't pick the same player 2 weeks in a row. So the only players off limits is your 3 team members and whoever you chose as your captain last episode.
  • Also if you had either Cassidy or Josh as a team member, please choose a replacement player as a new team member. Remember: All teams need to have at least one man and one woman.
  • FINAL captain picks & replacement picks need to submitted by Thursday, October 19th at 6PM EST

If you have any questions about your team or previous captain picks let me know and I'll answer back as soon as I can. Good luck!



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