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Hello, everyone. I have major news that I wanted to share. I got an email earlier this week informing me that my YouTube Account “Angelcake Entertainment” has been suspended from the Partnership Program meaning that it is ineligible for monetization.

When reading about my options they told me that I’d be able to reapply in mid-October. In the meantime I have looked over their feedback and started to remove videos from the channel that I would think does not follow ‘policy guidelines’. If you check out the channel and see certain content missing that is why.

My plan is to continue making content for the channel like my USA 2 coverage and more. But during these next few months I will be making more light (in content) videos for the channel as well as experimenting with different styles and different shows.

That brings me to Patreon.

I will be pivoting any video topics that I feel could ride a grey line to now become Patreon exclusives. Such as but not limited to: Jordan Mini-Doc, Paula Mini-Doc, Tonya vs Mean Girls Rivalry Video and more. Also I’m still going full steam ahead with the CT Docu-series but now that will be a Patreon Exclusive ONLY.

I'm still working through this news mentally and personally as the financials from the YT channel was a decent amount of how I made money between all my projects of YT, freelancing and the Patreon.

Again I want to thank everyone here for the support and help via Patreon and the Bakery. This community has helped me and continues to help me in so many different ways; I really appreciate each and every person here.

In summary, every video I make for the YT channel from here until  November won’t be making money and Patreon will be getting the bigger, juicier content.  Also I have added the option of annual subscriptions to the Patreon page if you'd like to sign up for a full year of support, that is now available. Again thank you for all the support and generosity. I hope everyone has a great day!



Can we do anything to help? 😢


Continued support here on Patreon is the biggest help anyone can do. Whether supporting monthly or choosing to sign up for the annual option. I'm in the process of making a new merch shop which will also be helpful when that's up and running (hopefully later this year). I'm looking into other areas to help during this time and will update everyone when anything new comes up. Thank you for asking and the continued support.


OMG that really sucks. I just joined your Patreon, so I'm excited that there will be more exclusive content.