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Heydo all! It's Spoopy month.

So Imma be doing my usual stuff. Demon Suri, Skeleton Fire Eclipse. Maybe the black cat, probably my usual Nina draw.

For Tier IV, the recent comic has been posted, Trial By Sword: Emerald's Challenge. I think the next comic will probably be maybe chapter 2 of Subjection so look forward to that. Tier V, you guys will have some of your OCs staring as BG characters :D.

Anyway, thanks for the support and putting up with my absolute incompetence of running this thing.

One last thing, I hate this new layout and Patreon's new logo, it looks like a stupid AI generated bean.



Looking forward to the spooky girls :D also yeah the layout i horrible :(


Shoot, maybe I'll try and get back in the 20 dollar tier again