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You guys wanna see more than MLP stuff or just keep it MLP here?  Other opinions on what you wanna see with my Peetryon would be helpful. 

Give me some input people since many of you don't offer suggestions >:V.



I think you can do whatever please you but i like MLP and you can add some other universe

Dandy Cupcake

Well, more than just MLP stuff would be awesome- only if you want to. And maybe some not so porn like images- again only if you wanna tho


I prefer mlp, but don't mind a few random things! But my opinion would be sticking to mlp majority of the time


How about some more "Ruin Your Childhood" drawings , those ones can be a delight to see on who gets drawn in .




Yeah I'm here for MLP, but it's your Patreon and your art style that brought me here. If I was to recommend something different however, that ruined childhood was rather interesting


I'm good with both. Sure I may prefer your MLP stuff, but I certainly don't mind other stuff being posted here.


Lol, I don't mind. Since you all are actively paying, your opinions hold more merit and I want to be sure it is things most will like.


Maybe some new universe could be cool too

Kyera Angelus

More than just MLP. Been a fan of all your characters, not just your mlp stuff


XD Ruining childhood series seems to be a thing people enjoyed.


Yeah, MLP stuff wouldn't end because there is still so much fun with drawing them.


Turn the Patreon into The Allin Channel. All Allin, all the time. Alternatively, use it to tell stories about some of your other characters too. They're also pretty cool.


I would have to cast my vote in for the whole draw everything lot. MLP brought me here but the style is what keeps me going.


Man, if I could make this the Allin Channel, I would fucking love it.


I like everything you do so im all for it ^^


A power girl pinup would be 10 outa 10


I really wanna see you grow as an artist, but I do so love fat horse ass. I'm all for more variety, but just throw us a rara ass or something every now and then. Otherwise, I say try some new things!


More of everything. Pokes, your chars, ALLIN, mlp too. Variety!


I'd like to see more than MLP, that would be nice


I'm perfectly alright seeing this expand out from MLP. I enjoy your MLP stuff a lot, but I also like your other arts too. Don't feel like you have to limit yourself on here!


I enjoy the way you draw MLP stuff, so of course, I would like to see more of it, but also your style, in general, is always nice to see. Draw whatever you feel like. I personally really like your style, and the way you've drawn your OC's over the years is excellent. Also, I'm weak for the curvy dragons that you occasionally draw lol.


While I'm here mostly for MLP, I'm more than happy to see non-MLP stuff- such as your OCs~