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So those of you that follow my Twitter or the Patreon Discord know that I was involved in a vehicle collision today. It was 100% my fault and I own up to my mistake. I looked away from the road for a minute, nothing new for me, but that time was the time I was punished for it.

I collided into a truck and totaled my car. The poor girl is completely destroyed. Physically I am fine. My shoulder hurts, my knee is swollen and my arm is scraped up but I am fine overall. The mental aspect is hitting me more. I have never been in a collision like that and I didn't think I was gonna be alive right now considering how it went.

I am trying to recover from it but it seems my body is spazzing out thinking about it and how it could have been vastly different. I know accidents happen and I am grateful to be alive but yeah, it fucked me up something fierce. 

I am still drawing. All of my stuff made it fine, only the car got absolutely destroyed. However, I am going really slow with art because I keep shaking from the thoughts of what happened. Please bear with me as I am trying to move forward. 

Thank you.



Take as much time as you need to recover. Something like that is a rough thing to go through.


Very glad everyone involved is alright. Cars can be replaced but not lives. No point in rushing anything. Take all the time you need.


Take your time man your health is more important glad your okay take some time off so you can recover.


Yeah dude, that's called a traumatic event. Of course you're gonna need some time to process and recover.


Just having the thought that you could've died is enough to fuck someone up take your time man and glad to see that you are barely hurt


Take as much time recovering as you need, always go slow til your feel better


Really sorry to hear about this, glad you made it out ok. Take all the time you need


Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that. Take however long you need. I had something similar happen not too long ago, and it was hard to get past those 'what if' thoughts. I found that, when I started having those thoughts, it really helped to do a task that had a lot of steps, and then consciously think about every step as you do it. Or a simple task that was repeatable. Ground yourself in what your doing, and eventually I stopped falling into a loop of 'what if.'


No worries man, you recovering is more important right now. Take your time and do things at your own pace. If you need to talk about it you got a tone of people here who will listen to you.



Wilson Bennett

I understand that. I was rear-ended a couple years ago and while I was fine my car was wrecked and I Was shaken for months afterwards. Take it slow if you need to


I know how it feels, I manage to crash into a pickup truck turnd my hood into an accordion, it's not a good feeling, the shaking and anxiety kicks in. I looked away for a second just as you did and that it all it takes, just 1 second of not looking forward :( it takes time but you'll get through it soon :) take your time to get beck on your feet :3