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Hey everyone. Sorry for not posting too much. Been trying to catch up on commissions and some older works.

Its also that yesterday was the one year mark of my dad's passing and it fucked me up more mentally than I expected.

Either way, updates on things.

Tier 1: The redraw of the hoodie series is continuing. I'm working on Applejack. The list will be from Applejack: Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Barb/Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia. I hope you all enjoy what is to come.

There will also be some Loona/Roxy stuff cause apparently that took off so I guess I'm gonna do more. While the little comic pages are posted publicly, I have other images that I'll post here. Mostly shipping the two.

Tier II and III: Every single hoodie image will have more edits added to them. I haven't posted any yet but expect that. What will they be? You'll see...

Tier IV: Trial By Sword: Emerald's Challenge. ( Unsure if that will be the title) Chapter 2 of Trial by Sword.

Thank you all for the support and I hope you enjoy what I put out. Things are getting a bit rough and will be this way until after August. I'm moving soon and it's been a challenge.


