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Hey so things haven't been super great. Computer is constantly crashing and I've been spending days trying to fix this issue. Needless to say it's getting in the way of work pretty hard.

Windows has been no help what with constant WHEA_UNCONTROLLABLE_ERROR blue screens which summarizes to " we don't know what the problem is. No new hardware, no new programs, just... happened.

So yeah. Fighting this, hopefully I can figure it out but honestly if this keeps up, fresh Windows install...... again in just 6 months.

Just letting you all know. Not asking for tech support.


Ben-Zero Ultimix

Damn, I'm sorry to hear this dude. At least you aren't the only one with computer trouble, fact is I'm trying to build one of my own and I haven't made much to get any parts. Seems like a Universal problem nowadays~ 😔


Building computers is fun and I do it all the time. There are just those moments when stuff can turn stupid.


Damn that sucks man, sorry you've been dealing with that. Is it a hardware issue?