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Just curious how people have been enjoying the Patreon and just asking for any suggestions on what you guys may wanna see or things to improve the Patreon. Obviously there are only so many things I can do on my own but regardless, I am curious.

Monthly image and comic are in the works. It's just been rough handling my father's passing and trying everything in my power to keep my mother and others mentally okay while also falling behind on commissions and work.

So yeah, please bear with me, I promise content will be flowing here again soon.



I'm enjoying everything you do keep it up don't try to rush yourself take your time family comes first and also if you need time because you've bin thinking about your dad do it we will be here waiting.


i have been a patreon follower for years and enjoyed your content , i would say if i had to choose to see more of is the What Is A Childhood ? , i would love to see what kind of characters you pick to be added into that series , and hopefully you and your family will make it through after your father's passing , keep strong Sui and dont rush yourself to much we will await to see what you bring to us in the coming months . =3


Honestly everything has been great lately


I’d like you to do more of stuff that you want to do surprise the rest of us


Your family should always be your first priority; take as long as you need and try to be theee for your relatives, everyone here will understand. There’s more important things than Patreon, especially when dealing with something of that magnitude. I’m sorry for your loss.


Really, things have been just fine on the Patreon end. Also, as someone who lost his mother back in 2016 (and still occasionally feels guilty about the circumstances surrounding it), I can fully sympathize with your father's passing. Losing a parental figure is one of the most turbulent times you'll experience. Please, take all the time you need.


Well, you could stand to draw boobies a little smaller. (Note : I wrote the above with the full knowledge that whenever someone says that, you draw them bigger just to spite them. It's reverse psychology! :-P) Not, but seriously, it's all good for me. I enjoy what you put out, and how you handle the Patreon. Take care of you and your own, it's what matters most.


Honestly the only thing I'd really want to see is just more work based around storytelling like comics or maybe images that have sequel images. I understand I'm definitely going to get that eventually with the comics and that one Sui lost in Ikea sequence so I'm not actually needing for you to change anything. TLDR: just keep working and doing your best mate! Nothing good comes out before it needs to, and I'm willing to wait for it.

Wilson Bennett

I enjoy it, other than specific characters I'd want to see I'm happy with what you draw


The only thing that comes to mind is the next part of that mlp relaxation series in your new style. Other than that, everything is fine.


That series will be continuing. It is just hard to fit it in with commissions and monthly images and stuff. I probably could sacrifice the monthly image to get that series finished but who knows.


No need to rush it. You're doing awesome. Although I may have to take a break on the Patreon due to financial issues so I'm probably not going to see it.