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So there is something I wanna do that you could call an " Interactive Comic". I am aiming to do a page or two of a comic and then sort of like the monthly images, have the community here make suggestions and either 1) taking the most liked suggestion or 2) do a poll and have the comic purely be determined by the Patreon community.

I got the idea from the Legoshi goes to Subway comic and it went so ridiculous that I wanted to do something similar and see just how absolutely ridiculous this comic could turn out.

Does this sound like an interesting idea to you guys?



That sounds pretty cool. If you're up for it, I certainly am.


Sounds cool


Oh I'm all for this. The chaos this could cause would be hilarious.


Sounds like it could get out of hand fast. I love it.


Most liked suggestions might be the more fun option since the comic could go Anywhere.


Absolutely down for this, and personally letting the public have full range would be total chaos if that's what you're going for. I support either decision of course though