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So as most of you know, my father died on April 13th and ceremonies and burials ended around the 20th or so. It's messed me up significantly more than I ever thought it would as I am experiencing feelings and pain I never felt before so I ask that you all bare with me being a little slow with uploading as I try to adjust to this new reality I was forced into.

I was planning to do a monthly image for April but...just didn't bother tbh but I will for May. I still plan to redo the Trial by Sword comic. It will be the same except for new art and some dialogue changes and maybe an extra page or two alongside the Temptation Chapter 1 retelling that I will continue on with. I just do not have an estimated date for that stuff.

There was a project I was debating on that could take lord knows how long with me digging up every OC I have done and basically creating a....encyclopedia or some shit involving every single OC. I am still on the fence about that one.

Either way, thanks for understanding for those of you that stick around and those that remove pledges because I am not producing content fast enough for you, all I can say is sorry and bye. 



glad your still holding strong a bit , not easy after losing a loved one , we are with you all the way Sui !


Hey man take your time and do what you have to do we'll always be here waiting


Little late here, but take all the time you need to recover. Loss of any kind is hard, but losing a loved one is some of the hardest pain to process. If you need a month or two to process your loss, you do it.


No worries Sui, we're all here for you man.