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Hello all!

For starters I wanna just give my immense thanks to all of you who continue to support me and the newcomers that have come along.

I haven't put out much for this month and I sincerely apologize for that. I will hopefully get back into gear soon enough after I finally overcome this exhaustion I have been hit with. I have also been dealing with medical stuff and surgery related stuff that has delayed works. 

I am still working on images along with the monthly image and also comics for Tier IV. To all of you who support me even when I don't put out anything, you guys are sincerely the best and I cannot thank you enough for this.

I am bad artist. DX



Worry about that medical stuff first we all wants you to get better will be here waiting also question if you are a bad artist why do we keep coming back and support you and your art ; )


We all love you Sui

Mr. Fahrenheit

You take that back! You are not a bad artist. You are a human being and need time to heal. Take that time, you have given us a lot of fantastic art. We can survive a lull on it. Seriously heal up we can wait patiently for new stuff. 🙂


NO you're NOT a bad artist! >:E Love you too <3


Why you gotta be bad artist :FeelsBadMan:


you a good one