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Hey guys so I figured I'd give a little update on things going on.

1) Personally I don't want to do a monthly image for this month given the loads of images with some edits done so I will just pass on that and do the usual poll on May.

2) Taking a bit to get back into the flow of deadlines because I personally did enjoy not having them for once so please bear with me.

3) Tier IV, there is a comic in the works right now. It's a dumb comic of Suri vs Fire Eclipse. Hope you enjoy.

4) I am still planning to start animations. Just gotta get a good flow going so hope you enjoy that when I get to it.

5) I am currently working on a video game while doing all of this. When the game is in a decent demo state, I plan to share it here for you guys. I do not know when it will reach it but I will start sharing updates with it.



Cool to hear about the comic and game, Sui. Look forward to it.


im looking forward for the comic. Will Suri and Fire Ecli have a sexfight?