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Heyo all, while I am in America and still trapped in the past, I would like to take this time to just reflect on things and wish you all a Happy New Year.

2020 has been absolutely shit, let's be real. Far too many things to bring up and that's just in America. The entire world has been through some ridiculous mess this year. 2020 is a year where so many things that would happen in its own year just joined together and attacked at once but despite that, things within my community have been okay.

The main thing I wanted to say is a massive MASSIVE thank you to all of you who despite these tough times continued to support me and those of you that are new that came here supporting me. Whether you've been a patron since this account's creation or just joined 2 days ago, I sincerely thank you so much. For putting up with my slacking work ethic and enjoying the stupid draws I post here. I honestly was prepared to be financially screwed because of how Covid has screwed over so much but I was immensely surprised to see that you guys are still supporting me. You better not be sacrificing bill money or food money! I will come over there and give you the what for if you are! >:V

But in all seriousness,

You guys allow me to do so much that normally I would never be able to and I greatly appreciate that more than you know!

So Happy New Year! Hopefully 2021 will use lube this time!

( Also bear with me, I am still trying to get this comic done and work done but god I am so tired and out of energy. DX )



This year was no doubt rough for me. There was a lot of depression, anxiety, and hardships I've experienced. But it wasn't all for not. It made me realize where I went wrong and it made me better appreciate what I once neglected. It's definitely helped me be more assertive and open-minded. My judgement is nowhere near as clouded as it was and I've been making sure it stays that way. It's hard at times, but it's been better. Hopefully 2021 will make for a better year for all of us.


Take the time you need to recover your energy man. The work you do is worth the wait.


Happy New year and hopefully 2021 is better