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So the situation with Patreon has been resolved and everything is in good standing. Like I said before, not much of this page will change. SO!

- No more incest type images, so basically no more Celestia x Luna. Rip
- Nintendo content is still not being posted here as the DMCA trolls are always active ready to ruin anybody's career without hesitation.

> These types of works should I do them will still be posted in the Patreon Discord. Just not here on this site. Make sure to link your Discord to here on Patreon to get the reward access to get in.


- One Last Temptation, the current comic I am working on for Tier IV that is the total end to the Temptation comic series will be a bit delayed so I can adjust some things. ( The comic involves Flurry Heart and Cadance. You can put 2 and 2 together of the direction it was gonna go. ) I know you all say its fine but I have to update everyone regardless.

So yeah I ask that you all have patience. Please take care of yourselves and be safe out there in this crazy time.



I take it this means that the Temptation Short Flurry isn't getting done then?


So like, I might still do that. I am currently doing another comic that honestly if it goes right, will lead fine into that Temptation short. I feel the current one I am doing will be more interesting but it doesn't mean the one with Flurry and Applebloom is gone. Basically the current comic has Flurry Heart and Cadance and there was some stuff I was gonna do that I can't now is all. So I am just fixing it up.

The Dragon Warlock

So sadly no more Princest to be shown here, but on Discord? Got it. Sucks though because I think you make the best Princest ever. Shame Patreon has to be this way.


So I have a idea, have you heard of Dropbox, you could post your works that patreon does not deem friendly for download, just a suggestion