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So as some of you know, I have recently dealt with a bit of a problem with Patreon. Apparently some of my work violated their guidelines and it needed to be removed. It took a bit of time to figure out exactly what it was but it ( hoping so ) has been resolved.

Of course this means a few changes will be occuring. Apparently even having related characters acting somewhat intimate crosses the lines of "incest" which Patreon does not allow meaning I cannot do anymore images like that. This basically kills the Relaxation redraw arc considering what happens later during it along with a comic I was doing and was hoping to continue " Lunar Love ". These rule changes in other departments also had killed my comic with the Knight and Dragon I was doing.

As for the current Temptation chapter I am working on, a few things need to be adjusted to not cause the ire of the Patreon Overlords. This also will mean the comic will be delayed a bit because of this recent predicament. This doesn't change a lot with my Patreon but some things will no longer be posted here and instead in the Discord

So I ask you guys bear with me as I try to finish this whole thing with the Patreon admin team as to not lose my account. Apologies for the delay with the monthly image thing but I am not really starting that until this stupid warning is gone.

Thank you for your time and understanding. 



Are the comics dead dead, or are they going to be put onto the Discord? Either way, it is what it is I guess; not like it’s your fault. Just Patreon being an ass.


The current Temptation comic is still being worked on, just being adjusted. Most comics are still fine. It is just about two that I may not continue. For the most part everything is fine.

The Dragon Warlock

Have you considered moving to Subscribestar? It's like another Patreon, but they aren't as super strict.


Subscribestar doesn't have Paypal, which a lot of patrons use, that would cause more harm than good


Damn, that sucks. I'll still be supporting you, obviously


You should make a new account on a different platform, build it up in case patreon becomes full tumblr

Mr. Fahrenheit

Ugh not again. I have seen some of the other creators I patron , move this type of their stuff off this site with links to it.


Basically I will put it on the Discord just like Nintendo stuff.