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Hope you are all well in this time. I know some of you are having financial issues due to the spread of COVID-19 so I find that I need to say this.

Please make sure that if you are taking care of yourself first physically and financially. Do not find it necessary to worry about my financial status sacrificing your own. Please make sure to take care of yourselves first. If you are afraid that you may not have the money to pledge, then unpledge. 

It will seem rough but we will get through this. But please take care of yourselves.

As for content, it will keep going as normal. I am currently working on archives of older art along with some redraws of older Patreon work so hope you enjoy when it drops.



You be safe to man


Take care of yourself as well dude. Unfortunately, in a few hours, I'll be finding out if I'm laid-off or furloughed, so I'll be having to tighten the purse strings so to speak. I'll be re-pledging once this whole thing is over. Peace.