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Hope you all are doing fine during this crazy time of COVID-19. I hope you are all being safe and smart with everything. Anyway, updates for the next couple of months

Tier I - III: There will be a monthly image coming for this month along with other silly and dumb doodles. From this point, I will be making monthly archives that I will post into the next month based on the previous month's artwork. There will be an archive tag for those who wanna hunt down those in the future. 2018 and 2019 will be added soon enough. Voting for the monthly image will begin next month. There is also the redraw of the first Temptation comic that I will finish up. So hope you guys are looking forward to that.

Tier IV: Hopefully will have a comic done by the end of April or May. All depends on how things are going. I apologize that I haven't put out anything for a bit but I will have something soon enough DX. I am also going through older comics and fixing up dialogue and presentation so there is that as well.

Anyway, hope you all stay safe and thanks again for putting up with my dumbass.



Excuse you where are all these apologies coming from? I hoarded them all D:<