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Hello all old and new. A little update from this loser.

1) I asked before but can't remember, even with images going public, should I post public images here and how would you guys feel about an archive of all the art. I will make one eventually and it will be massive so I do not know if I should separate it or just do one massive zip file.

2) I have been recovering from being sick lately and severely apologize for the lack of content here on Patreon, sorry about that guys DX. I appreciate you all for hanging around regardless.

3) The move into my new place and my new office has been achieved. I posted pics of it on the Patreon Discord but I cannot thank you guys enough for supporting this endeavor. You guys have helped out my life tremendously and I just cannot express my massive gratitude for this.

4) Feel free to offer suggestions on how you feel the Patreon could improve, just be mindful I am one guy who is busy a lot so only so much I can do.

Thank you guys so much for the constant support to this lame ass artist :P.



archive sounds good


You could try and split the archive into categories (OC, Pokemon, Pony, What's a Childhood, etc.) so it's not all one supermassive clustertruck. Provided you have to time and patience to organize it of course, don't push yourself after getting sick.


All for more public images and an archive. Glad you like the new place 😁


An archive would be nice. If nothing else, you should probably separate the comics from the rest. Nothing too fancy like each comic getting a folder, but having just 1 big comics folder with the comics named in such a way that sorting the folder by name will place the comics in page order to be read easier. With comics that are multiple different chapters, maybe do a number system like 101, 102, 201, 202, etc., to sort out the chapters within the comic. A folder of just sketches might also make things simple. The other images might be more of a pain in the ass to sort out, though.


1 - I'd love to see public images here. Maybe in higher res? (If there is a higher res than the one you post publicly?) 2 - Love you amigo, take care of yourself. You can't draw booty if you're coughing your lungs out. ;-) 3 - Would love an archive, as long as it's not a huge hassle for you. 4 - Well, you could draw the right shape on the tail of you Pikag- Ow, ow! Please stop hitting me, I'm kidding, I'm kidding I tell you!


Be sure to take good care of yourself man. And we're glad to have supported you in your move, and hope the new accommodations are to your liking! I'll do some brain storming on any improvements that can be made for your patreon and hit you up later. For now, just keep being you dude ^^