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I have ran this Patreon for some time. To be honest, I did not expect it to become what it is. I thought when I first created this after people got my paypal suspended that my career as a digital artist would end but you all proved that wrong and have allowed me to grow.

I am always extremely grateful for the support you all give regardless of the reasons as to why you do it. As such, I am always unfortunately worried about messing things up, losing support or whatever.

So, I ask you all how do you feel about how this Patreon is handled? Do you like the content posted? Are you fine with the public releases? Do I put out enough for you all to feel that your money given is justified? Any suggestions on what could change or be improved?

Feel free to offer any suggestions in a respectful manner but also be mindful that I am only one person and can only do so much.


Dandy Cupcake

Honestly, I feel like your patreon has been handled extremely well, the public releases do not bother me personally and I love seeing what you come up with and draw! Every time I see a patreon notification from ya I get excited to see what you’ve made. All I can say is, keep up the good work buttlord! 😊👍


I love your work and I dont mind the public release :3 even thought the public could get a lower resolution I dont know maybe half the size (unless it's to much work/complicated) but that is up to you I belive my money is well spent :D Keep up the amazing work Suirano I love your work :D


You good boss! Keep at it.


I think it's fine the way it is.


I feel like asking this question, while necessary, is a massive assumption on your part, that being that don't think we care as much as as we actually do. your art, in any format, is simply tantalizing to look at, and quite honestly you're one of the most down-to-earth artists I've encounter. I have no suggestions, just wanted to share my appreciation.


Sui your art is just plain amazing, and the way you’ve run this patreon is just aces. Not to mention you maintain a consistent submission of art that’s at your own pace and not rushing anything. Your running hongs like a pro dude.

Ramako (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 18:33:05 Nu, never enough ):<
2019-08-22 22:28:00 Nu, never enough ):<

Nu, never enough ):<