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I forgot what plans I had for the tier for the coming months lol so I don't know if there is a suggestion you guys have or if its just a case of just letting me do whatever I want.



do whatever the heck u want bb

Jesse Raines

Maybe some funny little mini comics of genderbent characters, trying to adjust. Like Gleamng Shield or Prince Blueblood r63ed.


A SFW/suggestive comic covering lore of your OCs/Universe


Though I suggested art with a lesser known OC of yours, I'm perfectly fine with you doing whatever you want


Worldbuilding stuff is always welcome. I want to know more about all of your characters.


I wouldn't mind seeing a one or two panel image of some world building stuff. Other than that do whatever you feel like man.


Maybe an ask OC type thing where we can ask various OCs questions and have doodled responses