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So I have been seeing that many people have been getting their pages suspended for a variety of reasons. It seems the only conclusion is that it is posting NSFW stuff openly instead of just to patrons meaning that if I do post my public work, it will have to still be locked to just patrons if my theory is accurate.

I do not really know if it is accurate as I have nobody to really confirm this but from what I have seen, everyone who has been suspended has been because of public NSFW stuff. I am not 100% about this though. All I know is that I would prefer not to have my Patreon suspended or removed as that will fuck me up pretty bad.



This is technically in the ToS, yeah, NSFW has to be Patron Only. A lot of the confusion might be based in broader assumptions of NSFW by Patreon for all I know, though, as Tsampikos had a suspension despite as far as he is aware all of his NSFW posts being locked. That, or it's being applied retroactively, meaning if you EVER posted public NSFW, you'll get suspended until it's removed.