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So Tier IV being the comic tier has been a bit taxing what with doing comics all the time. So if I was to do an alternative to comics all the time, what would you guys want? Any suggestions?

( I mean, I can still do comics but I will probably make it a few pages a month or something)



Maybe some worldbuilding stuff? Draw some maps or landscapes for Allin and friends to live in? Could be fun.


I always wanted to know how Amranthine mother and father met since her father is a dragon.

Sam Hat

Could do an exclusive pinup, or maybe one of those 'ask a character a question' style things where this tier gets to post questions?


Maybe you could do something to hammer out the Church of Bah-Rest? I liked the idea of pinups or "ask a character questions" style drawings from Sam Hat.


I should probly mention the discord Idea of an OC sketch raffle or patreon exclusive streams


Fleshing out the world of your OC's or telling individual Origin stories. Could make a series with the latter.


I'd be fine with whichever you pick. No one wants you to burn out. I agree with Orange Pone. Just some short Origin stories or just some real short strips?

Jesse Raines

Could do image sets again some months. Like next month could be the 6 celebrating the 4th with fireworks and such.


There is always something like a caption image if you felt the need to do something comic-like. I know I wouldn’t be opposed to any of the other things mentioned like landscapes/maps, origin stories, etc.