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For this month, I was hoping that I could make a bit of an origin type comic with Phena and Drega. The comic will have nudity and their curvy bodies and such but won't really have sex as it is more story driven.

I would like to make this but as you guys are the payers, it is up to you. Are you fine with this or would you prefer something different?

The comic would take about 2 or 3 months to do as well.



I wouldn't mind, bit it would be nice if while you did that you put up the odd image unrelated to the comic


Maybe put up a Patron only poll. I'm all in favour of leaving things up to you.


I would like to see that for sure , even if it takes months to be completed it will be worth the wait .


I say go for it buddy, porn is good but a nice little story comic is good too


Sounds like fun to me.


I like the idea of you doing what you feel like, though i do feel like there should be something in between those 2-3 months for the tier 4+. Doesn't have to be as huge as another comic or a big image set but something would be nice. Otherwise go for it!


I'd love to know more about Phena and Drega's history. Even if it was SFW enough to be a children's show, I'd still want to read it.


Oh yeah, I would definitely do some stuff to tie you guys over while its being made. I don't want you thinking I am shirking work lol.


Most people in the server were fine with it. I just put a note here for those not on the server is all. Mostly to voice anything else they would like over the comic.