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Another year comes to a close and another year this Patreon continues. When you guys back in 2016 urgued for me to keep this account active, I honestly was expecting this to fail. But you all proved me wrong. Those of you who stuck with this since the beginning and those of you who are new who were willing to support my work.

Thanks to all of you, 2017 was by far the most successful year I have ever had as an artist. You guys stuck through my crap and have been some of the most supportive people I have ever met. I hope 2018 goes well and that you guys love whatever I crap out as I continue to improve my art and content for you all to enjoy.

For those of you that are new, there is a Discord specifically for Patrons that you can join and enjoy conversations with myself and fellow patrons. There you can also voice suggestions about the future of my Patreon and just give some input on how it is managed and all of that. I am always happy to listen to some input.

Once again, thank you all!!!



Thank you for the great art man.


Were here and were pulling for ya Sui we always have been