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As many of you know, Windows update killed my my SSD that had all my important stuff on it. I've spent the last 3 days trying to recover the stuff off of it. It's been long and agonizing but I am FINALLY getting my stuff back. It's slow as hell though because its 800 GBs of stuff.

I should have it all back by tomorrow and then I gotta see if everything works. I'm still getting art done but it's extremely slow cause I just have the iPad and sadly I didn't copy files over to it before this happened.

So I apologize if things are slow. I'm still gonna try the monthly image but the Tier IV comic sadly is getting delayed.

I'll keep you all updated but I'll be giving updates more frequently on the Discord.

Here's hoping things work out.


Zilax The King

Stay positive suirano and don’t give up


Shit happens all the time hope things get better we are patient