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I have redesigned this time owl shortstack so many times but I think I finally settled on a concept. Here is Evos' design that I will not change again ( for a long while at least ). I am still concepting her outfit so enjoy sling bikini smol birb for now.

Fun Facts about Evos:

  • Evos is currently an apprentice in Time abilities. She is training to take the spot as the new Overseer of Time.

  • Evos is always positive and giddy. It is rare when she feels negative about something.

  • Evos' time powers are only active in a small area around her. Evos holds the ability to slow down, speed up, freeze time, or continue. She can take an area and reverse time or fast forward it by years if she chooses to but it has to be in her area of influence which isn't that big.

  • Time flows normally outside of Evos' sphere of influence.

  • The more Evos grows in her abilities, the bigger the sphere will become.

  • Evos' halo will change into a clock like appearance whenever she is using her time magic. The number on her forehead gem represents the power she is utilizing.

  • Evos loves head pats and ear rubs.




I love it when slingkinis cover just the nips while the areolas are on full display.


Dang... I'll have to change my wallpaper again


cute! though