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Been designing a new character with a new story.

Wanted to make a girl who fights for peace and justice, with a Taimain style power suit that is very... mobile.

And of course, it will be a tough road ahead for her.

Wanted to make a bunny girl-like design who uses a lot of kicks.

Got some sharp energy blade on her heels, so she will do a lot of axe kicks and high kicks.

While her kicks are formidable, she is not invincible.

Her enemies will try to take her down any way possible,

One will just overpower her with a classic bear hug and make her kicks useless!

Will she be able to save the day?



Benny Dewitt

How is she with orcs?


She's not a fan of them in the beginning, but after getting to know each other inside out many times, she will learn to accept them with open legs, err, I mean arms.