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Good evening everybody. I hope you're all doing smashingly.

So it's been a very long road on this project. But finally the end is in sight. Here is a shot of the full Premiere timeline. 3 hour and 15 minutes.

For the last few weeks I've been working to squash the numerous blockers that have been built up. A process has that been successful. Leaving the two largest at the start of last week.

  • 1.) Creation of segment 1 - the introduction - originally scrapped due to script repetition (now edited and complete).
  • 2.) Creation of segment 24 - the conclusion - (a work progress this week).

Segment 01 - Introduction:

So last week, my primary focus was creating the introduction. Arguably the most important part of the video since it's crucial to get new viewers invested.

I decided to keep the script fairly high level and vague. As I feared repeating some of the points made later. Which is the problem this segment originally had.

But also decided to "cut for sizzle", like a trailer, at least for the opening minute or so. Showing various survival game moments from various live-streams - leading to cut away comments about the survival genre. Using my standard text keyframing techniques.

Here's a shot of the introduction timeline:

From that point onwards, the Intro briefly touches upon the strengths of the genre and why I personally find it so interesting. Whilst also talking about the strange trend of some survival games seeking to add stories. Despite that arguably not being a major necessity. And looking to see what that looks like. Which then dovetails into Subnautica, before getting derailed later with The Forest.

I was able to complete the introduction sequence over the course of about 5 days last week.

Segment 24 - Conclusion:

Now all that remains is the concluding segment 24. And the script has gone through 3 revisions:

  • The first version of the script felt too descriptive. As though I was merely reciting what's in The Forest rather than drawing any specific conclusions.
  • The second version was more conclusive. But when I presented it to others for feedback, they raised a very good points I'd not considered. And so I've tweaked the middle section.
  • The third version of the script is better. But I do worry is perhaps a little too aggressive? There's a couple of segments that I'm debating about. Will keep reviewing until I decide. I can always just switch them off. They're quite compartmentalised.

One minor thing to mention is that quite a sizeable part of the conclusion involves talking to the GoPro and recording my walls once again. So what I'm often doing is reading the script (late at night when there's no ambient city noise). Then picking up the GoPro, holding it about 10inchs from my face, and reading the same segment.

The idea there is it lets me decide which audio reading sounds more appropriate. As I snap between my room POV perspective (and wall prop) and gameplay footage. The visuals for the GoPro can all come later once the audio structure is properly fixed.

Currently I am adding the visuals for this last segment.

Since the intro is about 7 minutes long and took me about 5 days, I'm expecting this 15 minute conclusion should take 10? So by the end of next week, I'm hoping to be able to have a full render underway.

At which point it'll be a case of spotting any remaining errors. And then getting it to you. Thank you for your infinite patience everybody. It's getting there.

Also, here's a gif of Lulu gently closing her eyes. Belly full of kibble and squirrels shown their place in the local park. A queen in her domain:

TLDR: There's really just one last segment left. It's about 15 minutes long. The audio is cut and the visuals are being added. Hoping it'll be together by next weekend? Those 10 hour render times are going to be a nightmare though.




Keep it up! You're doing great! As a fellow Editor, I appluad and salute you Sir. Also, at this point you should start releasing editing masterclasses lol.


I'm really looking forward to this, while I've seen the previous parts, I'm keen to see it in it's final release. The level of detail you go into is always astounding. Hope the renders go well, at least you can save a little on heating :D