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Hey there everyone. Sorry, I was really supposed to do this update earlier in the week but I kept getting sidetracked. 

So it's the end of week 6 on the latest Youtube video, which is Random Rising Storm: Vietnam Bullshittery (part 1) and it's creeping closer to completion. The video is 10 minutes long and consists of about 35 scenes arranged on the following timeline screenshotted here. And it's roughly 7 minutes and 30 seconds complete.

Now, the process for this normally involves getting all of the principle editing done and then going back for quality-assurance. But there are some scenes that require externally drawn assets. And those are currently still in progress with a commissioned artist. So instead I've been going back to perform QA, and as a result most scenes are ready to go.

In addition, I've gotten into the habit of leaving a "grace minute". This is where I intentionally leave a gap in the timeline and then bring in fresh clips in the last few days on the run up to the final render.

The reason for this is a confidence one. As in previous projects I would find that by week 4 I've already seen the video dozens of times, so everything in it is no longer funny to me. So I'd begin to feel self doubt and scurry back to add extra scenes rather than get the video out in a timely manner. So the purpose of the grace period is to put in jokes that are relatively fresh for me, to counteract that bit of brain weirdness.

So, the plan now is to keep quality-assuring. Receive the incoming artist work and slot it into the edit. And then complete the grace minute, a process that normally only takes a couple of days tops.Polish, polish, polish! And then get it out to you next week as soon as I'm able.

Again, sorry for the length of time it took. Also look forward to speaking to you all soon about the next project and getting your thoughts.




Brilliant, really looking forward to seeing this.

Adam Sutton

Quality > speed. Appreciate the updates and hope you’re doing well!


You could also do a small BS with the Halo Stream with Cyanide...


As always - take your time! And the result really makes up for the time it takes. So don't worry about it. You're all good :)


I have a suggestion (sorry if you've read this before): Have you ever tried using Shadowplays "shadowing" ability, so when something funny or interesting happens you can save the last 1-7 minutes of gameplay. This could maybe shorten the process where you have to dig through a lot of streams to find the interesting bits. Of course this isn't perfect but it can maybe help a bit. Also, how long did it take you to get used to Premiere Pro after using Vegas for so long?

The Ferret

Very clever!


Take as long as you need! I personally don't mind as long as the final product is as high quality as always. :)


Keep up the good work bud, anything good is worth waiting for


Well hopefully I'll be able to do a whole series of them based on each Halo. Fingers crossed. What I'll probably do is do the cutting of the clips, the pre-production, when an entire game has finished. Then I can sit back and judge roughly how many I have to determine how many episodes there are. Often I find I'm limited more by "closing jokes" - moments or sequences that are appropriate for ending a video on.


Aye, I have actually tried Shadowplay before. There's about 100gb worth of footage sitting on a hard-drive for CSGO that I need to scrub through. Unfortunately though, if I remember correctly, there are complications. a.) Shadowplay seems to only work with a select few games, I think? I seem to remember trying to get it working for a number of titles, only for NVIDIA to not recognise it as a game at all. b.) Shadowplay file sizes can be quite large, at least insofar as recording whole game sessions. And whilst that isn't a problem if you're only doing small clips, it becomes unfeasible if you record many 2 hour game sessions over the course of many weeks. Hundreds and hundreds of gigs. c.) And I need to record the whole streams because often a joke is only funny in context of something that was not funny earlier, so I need to go back in the footage to find it. As in, if Digby does something hilarious when he drops off a ledge, but it's only because he's referencing some earlier ledge, well chances are I didn't record that earlier edge if I were manually pressing the button each time, rendering the gag useless.


As for Premiere? I started using it at the start of 2016 if I remember correctly. Took a few days to get used to it. I found it a tad jarring.


Just saw this and have to comment for the first GIF of ZF Social: ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?! How much work just went into that little bit? Crazy! :D Keep up the good work, I really appreciate these little things.