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Whew. Blimey. All done! 

Random Golf it Bullshittery is ready and can be viewed right here 

So while the original preview footage was about 4 minutes and 30 seconds, this brings it up to 12 minutes and 8 seconds. And the whole thing consists of three separate live-streams with the guys about 5 weeks ago.

This was one of the easier videos to edit thankfully. The clear circular golf balls in distinct colours made it very easy for the auto-tracking to take the lion's share of work. Which is why you'll notice there's quite a lot more of the X,Y,Z rotation stuff. I'm rather enjoying that sort of thing. It makes the text feel more like it's part of the scene.

At 5:50 I also started experimenting with the particle effects tool, which could be a great way of doing lots of pew effects or similar in the future. Rather than editing each individual pew, I can setup a particle generator, along with physics and gravity tools, to make them appear in a semi-predictable pattern. Looking forward to experimenting with this.

I hope you enjoy it and please tell me your thoughts. What worked, what didn't, etc.

All the best and thank you for your continued support. I'll get back to your tomorrow for a decision on the next project.



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