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Sorry, I was supposed to send out an update on Friday but it slipped my mind.

So this week I'd really like to try and finish part 7 of the DayZ critique, rather than leave it unfinished and jump back to random bullshittery. My fear is that, if I keep leaving these to one side, they'll take another year to be complete. So I'd best pull-my-socks-up and get 'em done.

The next video will be bullshittery though. Probably Arma. Not sure yet. Open to suggestions.

So this episode is about 14 minutes done. It's shaping up to be quite interesting. I'm making lots of parallels to the TV series Westworld, which I hope you'll enjoy. It should be ready this week.

What I do want to do though, is wait until the last day and then re-record the audio in one sitting. This is because a lot of the feedback points out that the inconsistent audio is weird and jarring. I'll take steps to correct that by re-voicing it in one sitting and replacing the existing audio.

And lastly, Lulu went to the vets today and has to wear the cone of shame due to an infected paw. She's not happy. 



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