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Guess what! My laptop screen completely fried itself last night while I was working on this episode. You can imagine what went through my mind when my screen froze and the entire image went from yellow, to brown to black! XD 

Luckily my computer continues to work and I'm currently using my cintiq as a second monitor while I finish this chapter! (I also went out an hurridly bought myself a brand new laptop which I'll be testing out asap!) 

Anyways, here is a preview Panel from this week's upcoming Ep 169! The gang is all back together (mostly) and enjoying some much needed break time! ^^ I look forward to sharing this one with you guys!





The episode was just too hot to handle

Samantha Howse

How does that even happen?!


Huhu That's what I heard! 100 Episodes of rendering Kyro's abs must have destroyed it XD


Honestly it still boggles my mind, the computer still works perfectly fine! It's only the screen that's totaled :"D