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Oh boy, have I been waiting to get to work on these chapters for a while now. If anyone is familiar with what's been happening in the fast pass you'll know Clove stumbles across some pretty gigantic Dragon bones. 

Fun Fact: The Dragon bones you're seeing actually belong to a Velociraptor 3D Model that I repurposed into a dragon. I once read that the first people who discovered dinosaur bones in ancient times believed they were dragons and that's how we ended up with "Dragons" in mythology in the first place. I

This panel is supposed to indicate just HOW BIG the Dragon bones are supposed to be compared to Clove (and the modern dragons).  With all that ice around I hope it's not too slippery for our Princess XD 



Sarah R

When I saw this scene I thought - ohmygod it’s like the dragons in the red keep in GoT. The OG dragons were MASSIVE and terrifying Just like the OG Crimson/Azure dragon. I bet they were BEASTSSS. Wonder if we’ll get to see the size comparison 👀 👀


Can't wait for this episode!!!