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AT LAST! The final portion of the Unwritten Records has been uncovered and well... it seems Clove got what she wanted all along. (Dragons tend to be a bit wild don't they ^^).  Please enjoy the steam and spice! (See downloads for PDF and JPG versions)

You can find the previous strips here:

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3    Part 4 

Overall, I really enjoyed being able to work on a more mature plotline over a couple of comic strips, however I realized it does take me and my assistants quite a bit of time. In the future I think the Unwritten Records will consist of shorter self-contained comic strips/ illustrations. I will be doing a poll on what other ships you guys would like to see more of so stay tuned! ^^ 

NOTE: DO NOT share or distribute this content on social media (twitter, insta, etc.) If I see this anywhere outside of Patreon I will wipe ALL NSFW from this Patreon and you will have ruined it for everyone else!

***Search by the "Steam" tag or connect to the "Steamroom" on Discord to more easily access previous posts - > https://discord.gg/p3ZPjvn53A





The physician was right <3


Whaaaaaatttt. Dang Kyro!