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( EDIT: I realized it was really hard to see so I updated the layout a little bit!) 

Hello Dear Dragons, 

It's that time of the year again where I have new merch and want to share it with all of you!

I am doing a mini-giveaway with 2 new prints (you can pick either one) + all 6 of the vinyl SZ char. stickers!

  • 4-8 winners will be announced Friday, July 26th (the giveaway ends 12:00 AM CST July 25th)

  • Please check you Patreon messages/email around this time!

  • TO ENTER Please comment on this post with an answer to one of the following questions:

Option 1: How do webcomics affect your life?

OR (please only answer 1 question. Answering both will not count more when considering winners) 

Option 2: If you could go inside the world of SZ, what would you do? 


  • You must be a Patron at the time the contest winners are announced.

  • Please keep your responses G rated

  • Please limit your response to 1 comment! You may delete your old comment and replace it with a new one so long as it is before the deadline! :D

  • Winners will be announced July 25th! If you do not respond within 1 week of the announcement your prize may be given to someone else.

  • You will need to provide a full name and address for me to send the print (this does not need to be your real name)

Thank you guys so much! Please feel free to DM me if you have any questions/concerns.

Best of luck to all of you!!! <3 June 




Webcomics are an escape for me from the world of stress and dealing with my near non-existence father and it provides endless imaginations and magics in my thoughts where I can relax and let go of who I am in reality.

Veronica P

If I were part of that world I'd love to be one of the court ladies watching the drama unfold, forming shipping fan clubs, gossiping and giggling lol!


Took me a while to get around to typing this up, but here it is! Webtoons has been a lifeline for me. I have ADD, so compared to other people, I have fewer Action Points to spend during the day (or spoons, if you adhere to spoon theory). It's very frustrating, but work/commute takes about 85% of all my Action Points per day, with helpful, adulty actions ("help husband cook dinner", "eat food", "help with dishes") consuming another 13 Action Points, leaving me with a whopping 2 Action Points per weekday to do.... anything, really. That's not enough to do much. So I read on Webtoons. The weekend comes, we spend 1 day doing chores, & the other day resting/relaxing/attempting to recover enough Action Points to resume the work week. I have D&D on Discord with my friends 2 times a month (usually closer to once a month) for 2 hours. I occasionally go hang out with my family for a few hours on my recovery day off. I don't talk with my coworkers because we work with machinery and talking involves not working (management dislikes this). So I don't really "people". Husband gets groceries & runs errands because his schedule is more flexible than mine. Webtoons is a lifeline where I can lose myself in another world for an hour or two & relax. It doesn't require many Action Points. For me, TV requires more Action Points because I'm paying attention to *everything* going on at the same time-- all the things in the background you don't notice, I see. Then there's the extra sensory information (music, sounds, emotional states, etc) that requires additional brain processing power to compute. Though I love reading, books require building entire worlds, objects, action scenes, & people all in my head. When I have more Action Points available to me, i love watching TV & reading books! I just usually don't have enough Action Points. Comics/graphic novels are the easiest media for me to enjoy-- emotional reactions are plainly obvious, action scenes are illustrated, items & magic look exactly as the author wants them to, I don't have to imagine what people look like, or imagine what the author is trying to convey. Everything is right there, exactly as the author intends it to be! I won't skip a paragraph by mistake because I'm tired & spend the next few pages wondering why everybody started trying to kill one another (this has happened, & it's very confusing). I can just quietly read & enjoy exactly what the story is supposed to be. I can get lost in political intrigue, ancient mysteries, betrayals, world lore, occasional bits of romance (not *too* much), and relax. Did that last sentence just describe SubZero to a T? Why yes, yes it did. SubZero has been a favorite on Webtoons. Some days, when I'm feeling extra blah & not even up for reading something new, I'll go back and reread SubZero. It's one of my go-to "I want something, but I don't know what" comics!

Simona Rose

Webcomics affect my life by creating many worlds I can visit. Seeing art styles vary, styles of storytelling and most importantly the characters. Authors work hard to create these characters that in some way are their children and sharing their stories with us. Webcomics soon became a platform that allowed me to find so many stories I could read from a screen. It become a favorite past time right before I go to bed, during my work breaks, and it become something I look forward to read weekly. My favorite is when I see a webcomic get recognized and gets turn into a printed book copy, movie adaptation, or animate series. I feel a sense of proudness these sources find webcomic artists and working to share their work in different platforms to widen the audience and getting more folks falling for these amazing characters.