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At long last, it's here—the first dev build for the Morning After Update can now be played!

This isn't the full Morning After Update release but rather an in-progress build featuring a chunk of new story content. I'm sharing this early sneak peek with all of you Senior & Graduate patrons in thanks for your generous support.

I have plenty of details on what's in this build below, but first, the download links:

PC: Google Drive 

Mac: Google Drive 

What's new in this build

Version dev-v0.2.1.1 includes:

Continuing the storylines that ended at Matt's apartment

  • Hooking up with Leo
  • Passing out drunk
  • NEW: A sober way to stay over without hooking up

Continuing the storylines that ended at the frat house

  • Hooking up with Julian & Owen
  • NEW: The beginning of a new romance path for Evan

20 new CGs featuring Matt, Evan, Owen, & Julian, plus a few supporting players

I have details on how to access the new content below.

This story content is technically still in development, so there may be changes or additions before the release is final. If you made a sequence of choices that doesn't seem to be addressed or doesn't flow logically, I welcome your feedback.

What's not in this build

As noted above, this is not the full and final Morning After Update release. The full release will also have:

  • Follow-ups to the stories that ended at Griffin's place and in your dorm room
  • A continuation through the day from the showers to your classes with Tomas & Will
  • An optional encounter with Will that follows up on your earlier proposition
  • An optional explicit sequence after class (which I do hope you opt to play!)

The next dev build will add the first of these, waking up at Griffin's place or in your dorm room. There currently isn't an ETA as to when the next dev build will be ready, but I'll keep you posted via the bimonthly game status updates.

Accessing the new content

The evening at Matt's apartment had a potentially heavy focus on Leo at the end. The morning at the apartment will swap focus to Matt instead (though Leo will pop up a little later in the final release).

To reach this content, make your choices throughout the first day of classes, spend your evening with Matt & Leo, then take the following steps for the path you desire:

Sober Connor: Don't get drunk and don't pull down Leo's shorts. You'll get a new option that lets you sleep over in Matt's bed instead of going home.

Drunk Connor: Take every single drink that's offered throughout the night.

Leo Hookup: Don't get drunk, pull down Leo's shorts, and play through the hookup how you like. Your choice to sleep in Matt's bed or Leo's bed affects how the story plays out when you wake up.

For the most Matt content, I suggest hanging out with him after Will's class, making sure to proposition him at the end. During the evening at the apartment, stay sober and indicate to Matt you're into him via knee nudging. Then in the morning, don't avoid talking about the night before, and do not be afraid to be flirty with Matt.

The Leo hookup path technically has more content by virtue of letting you talk through your feelings with Matt, but only one CG is locked behind this. If you want that CG, sleep in Leo's room after hooking up.

There are only two ways to stay over at the frat house—hook up with Julian & sleep over with Owen, and now a way to sleep over with Evan.

Owen & Julian: Hook up with Julian and agree to let Owen help you finish.

Evan: After playing spin the bottle, speak to Evan. After he passes out, you and Owen will take him upstairs. You'll see a new option to watch over Evan to make sure no one bothers him.

The Evan path plays out in a straightforward manner, but some of his CGs can only be found via the Owen & Julian path. Similarly, one Owen CG can only be found via the Evan path. To get all of Julian's CGs, you'll need to go down the path of not talking things out with Owen in addition to one of the other paths.

Other odds and ends

I spoke in some of the game status updates about how I'm updating character models and their sprites. If you choose to play through the game from the start and follow the Asher path, you'll notice that all the Skinema members have new sprites—and Noir has an entirely different model. All the CGs featuring the revised characters aren't in yet, so expect discrepancies!

Possible issues

I try to test thoroughly before I share a build, but there are so many choice permutations in the game that I very likely overlooked a few unexpected paths. In this in-progress build you may see errors like:

  • Someone may become shirtless - or put clothes back on - when that shouldn't happen
  • A scene may link to another scene incorrectly
  • A scene may repeat before linking to the correct next scene
  • Someone may make reference to something that didn't happen or ignore something that did happen
  • Typos!

None of these are necessarily game-breaking outside of scenes not linking together correctly. If you happen across something like the above and would like to let me know, feel free to leave a comment or DM me!

IMPORTANT: A common error can happen when loading a saved game that mentions a variable cannot be found. Although saves usually carry over between builds, sometimes they become incompatible. This is even more likely to happen now that we're transitioning to a new day and a lot of choice flags are being consolidated.

The only way I know to fix this is to start a new game, then use the skip feature to fast forward through. It's a bit of a pain, but as someone who has to skip through from the beginning a lot, it really only takes a few minutes or so.

Thank you for your support!

I'm so happy to finally have a decent portion of the Morning After Update nailed down so I can share it with all of you. I know many of you have been looking forward to the continuation of Matt's story in particular—I think you'll like some of the stuff I came up with 🙂

I hope you enjoy! 




I'm LOVING this update so far - it's well worth the wait! I thought it was so cool how the gallery images are colored to hint at extra characters in the image to help subtly steer your choices towards what is needed to unlock them. That might not be new since I've had the full gallery unlocked for ages, but it's such a simple yet satisfying feature!


I added that in I think the Club Update since I wanted to get rid of the old "duos & trios" section and put every CG featuring a character in their specific gallery 🙂


Great update overall, with a specific callout to the staging of the Matt scene CGs. The perfect level of teasing/suggestion at this stage in their relationship


Holy... that Matt encounter was awesome. Can't wait for the Halloween update to remind him of his promise. God I love this man...