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Hey there, folks—checking back in with the latest game status update!

This will be a shorter one since much of what I talked about in Game Update #44 is still in play. I mentioned in the delayed November Bonus Gallery post that some power outages in my area put me behind a few days. Nothing too drastic overall, thankfully, but it means between that and creating some Patreon content, what I talked about a few weeks ago is still what I'm working on game-wise. If you haven't read that update, I recommend checking it out for a lot more details.

For Junior patrons and up, I also shared the very first CG from the Morning After Update in a sneak peek, which you can check out here. It's a good one, especially if you're a Matt fan!

Looking ahead, right now the plan is still the same—complete a Dev Build for the Morning After Update that adds the continuation of Matt's story. For those unaware, a Dev Build is an early, in-progress build that I share when there's a significant amount of finished content that I feel is ready to show off. These builds are only for Seniors & Graduates to play, but they also serve as milestones so everyone can see progress has been made instead of just read about it.

As a teaser, here's a snippet from the script for this section, which only appears if you make certain choices. This of course is a big spoiler if that's something you're looking to avoid!

The air in here is so thick, and my head is swimming. I can’t take my eyes off Matt, and unless I’m crazy, his eyes keep darting to look at my body, too.
It feels awkward, and it’s never awkward with Matt.

Should I try to bring it up with him now? Both of us acknowledge these weird feelings so we can go back to being normal around each other?

c Okay, we need to acknowledge it.

mt Acknowledge what?

c There’s... We have this awkward sexual tension now. I think we should just acknowledge it so we don’t have to feel weird around each other or anything. Right?

mt Uh... 

c I shouldn’t have said that.

mt No, it’s good you did. 

mt You’re not wrong. I feel it, too, and I don’t know what to do about it.

c Heh, yeah...

mt Because we can’t...

c Yeah...

Fuck. I need this out of my system. I won’t be able to stop thinking about this for the rest of the day. About him rubbing my thigh and laying back on me and now standing here in front of me, half-chubbed in skimpy underwear.

Maybe we could, like... kiss? We could indulge our curiosity and get it over with?

I don't know for sure when this build will be done, especially since December is such a busy month. But I'm aiming for mid-month sometime. If I have time, I'm going to try to add some other story continuations to the Dev Build, most likely waking up at the frat house if I do.

What does have a firm release date is the New You Update, which will be released for free to the public on 8 December. For Freshmen patrons, that means the release is just around the corner! I was glad to see many nice comments about it—I was a little worried because I know we're all more anxious for the guys' stories to continue. But I think completing the art overhaul was an important step before continuing on—plus having Jordi's Grind'm hookup shows off what we can look forward to as more hookups get added in the future!

That's pretty much what I've got today! I'll likely have some more extensive stuff to talk about in the mid-month update—until then, I hope everyone has a good few weeks!


Tom Swift Sr.

WHY can't I win the lottery so I could afford to up my monthly fee and see some of these, I suspect, *wonderful* galleries?! (Maybe because I *never* buy lottery tickets??? I know the odds and am just too rational.) Still, I'm very happy to support with what I can afford to support, because I just really appreciate this game and the basic fun of it, and I want to see it continue to be made and released! I just noticed (unless I missed it), there is no name or pseudonym associated with the person(?) making this game! Do you have one? **


I go by Danny Nym, which is a very cheesy play on "pseudonym." I don't sign posts much anymore, but it's mentioned a few places here and on Itch.io. And I very much appreciate any support anyone is generous to give - I truly would not be able to make the game without it 🙂