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It's finally completethe New You Update is here! You can download this Patreon-only early access version via Google Drive:

PC: Google Drive 

Mac: Google Drive 

What's in the update

A new Connor, polished new & updated art, and a super hot new game feature! You can expect:

  • Over 300 revised CGs—now even hotter than before!
  • All new expressions for Connor and several other characters
  • The introduction of the new Grind'm hookup scenario feature
  • An interactive hookup with Jordi, a character first seen in the Club Update

New Connor

If you've been following the game the past 8 months, you may know I decided to create a new version of Connor to better match the quality of the other characters and to help me with posing issues the first Connor had. After some great input from patrons via Sneak Peek #21 and Sneak Peek #22, the new model was finalized and is now fully integrated into the game. 

Over 300 CGs have been updated, many with improved lighting, posing, and composition—with some of the earlier CGs entirely recreated to integrate what I learned making this game over the past few years.

Alongside new sprites for Connor, some other characters have had some minor model updates and have some new sprites as well. And using a new, refined post-processing procedure, most of the art has been polished to create a consistent look across the game.

The story itself is the same, but the new art makes it a fresh experience to play through. You'll get an idea of how the game will proceed from here visually—plus you can see New Connor in action via a fun, interactive new game feature.

New Feature - Grind'm

As you played the game, you potentially met many hot supporting characters. Via the new Grind'm feature, you can now unlock fantasy hookup scenarios accessible from the main menu where you can see Connor and one of those supporting cast members in unbridled, explicit action.

The first featured guy is excitable dormmate Jordi, as voted by Graduate Patreon patrons earlier this year. In this scenario, a much more experienced Connor will meet up with Jordi at the gym for a a hot hookup that plays out how you decide. You can choose to focus on topping, bottoming, or sticking to oral only—or change things up midway through.

This scenario adds 68 new CGs to the game showing the two boys getting a really good workout in. You won't be able to see all the CGs in one playthrough, but that just means fresh new CGs are waiting for you if you play again with different choices!

Accessing the new content

Any CGs you've already unlocked will be updated in the gallery, so you can jump straight to browsing the new art. But if you want to experience the game fresh and see the new CGs as you play, look below for tips on clearing the gallery so you can find the images more organically.

For Grind'm, click on the new Grind'm option on the main menu. You'll be taken to a new screen with a "downlow" profile for Jordi hints at how to find him in the game. Once you meet Jordi in the game, you'll get a pop-up telling you the hookup has been unlocked. Return to the Grind'm menu and click on Jordi's full profile. Check out his profile pics, and then click Message to begin the scenario!

Even if you've already met Jordi in your existing game, you will need to meet him again to unlock his hookup. If you have a save at the start of the club sequence, you can load it up and speed through to the point you meet him. If you don't have a save, follow these steps for the quickest path:

  • After Will's class, choose to talk to anyone EXCEPT Alex or Isaiah
  • When the option appears, choose to go to the club
  • Once inside, choose "See who's hanging out at the bar"
  • Once Jordi reveals his name, you'll get the "unlocked" pop-up!

Starting fresh

If you want to start with an empty gallery to unlock the new CGs organically, you can clear the persistent data for the game to reset to the locked status for all images. This is relatively simple to do, but be aware that you may lose your saves if you don't delete the correct files. Please note: Only the steps for Windows are ones I've taken myself. The step for finding the first folder on Linux or Mac have come from this website.   

  • Locate the first folder that contains your saved data:
  • Windows: Use File Explorer to navigate to Users/[your username]/AppData/Roaming/RenPy/FreshmenPhysicalEducation
  • Linux: Locate ~.renpy/FreshmenPhysicalEducation
  • Mac: Locate ~/Library/RenPy/FreshmenPhysicalEducation
  • In the FreshmenPhysicalEducation folder, locate the file named "persistent" and delete it
  • Locate the area of your computer where the game itself is placed, then navigate to FreshmenPhysicalEducation-0.2.1-pc\game\saves.
  • In the saves folder, locate the file named "persistent" and delete it

Important notes:

  • You must delete the "persistent" file in both places or the persistent data will, well, persist.
  • Deleting persistent data also removes the data that tells the game what dialogue you've seen. You won't be able to fast-forward using the Skip option until you see the dialogue anew. You don't need to read it—it'll just take a lot of clicking to skip ahead.
  • If you don't see a folder named AppData, that means it's currently hidden. In Users/[your username/ click on the View tab at the top of the window. Make sure "Hidden items" is checked in the Show/hide section. The AppData folder should now be visible.
  • It is not necessary to delete any files but the two named "persistent," but if you want to start over with absolutely everything reset, first delete the FreshmenPhysicalEducation folder found in the first step. Then in the games folder where the game itself is contained, delete the saves folder. Only do this if you want to remove all your existing saves!


Can I continue the story after Matt's apartment, the frat party, or the club?

Not yet! This is not a story update but rather an interstitial update that adds 300+ revised CGs and the new Grind'm feature.

When will I be able to continue the story?

The next game update, the Morning After Update, was worked on in tandem with the New You Update, but there's much more work needed before it's ready to release. The bimonthly game status updates here on Patreon will give progress reports on how the Morning After Update is proceeding.

Why has Connor been changed?

The original Connor model was the first character I made for the game before I really knew what I was doing. Ultimately this led to a few problems: Connor wasn't matching the quality of characters added later, and there were many issues with posing him so he looked good. New Connor was designed with feedback from Patreon patrons to match the feel of original Connor while also being a hotter version of himself that's worthy to headline a game.

Why was Grind'm added to the game?

Story updates involve a lot of complexity and can take awhile to create. To tide us over until the story from the main game continues, smaller updates will add fantasy hookups to unlock and play—something sexy to get us salivating for more!

Why is Jordi the first featured guy?

The guys featured in the Grind'm hookups are chosen by Graduate Patreon patrons via three rounds of voting. The majority of the male supporting characters are options and may get a hookup in the future. The next Grind'm guy was voted to be Trevor, NC17's twin brother, and you'll be able to play that scenario in the update following the Morning After Update.

Does a Grind'm hookup affect the story?

Nope! These are purely fantasy scenarios where a future, sexually experienced Connor can hit up guys in or around 21CA to have some hot fun. You can certainly imagine these are "canon" scenarios that take place after the story of the game, though!

What are Grind'm hookups like to play?

If you've had a sexual encounter with Griffin while playing the game, the flow of a full hookup is similar. There is a story introduction, foreplay, and then you'll get the option to top, bottom, or keep on suckin'. A little later you'll get a choice to continue topping, bottoming, or sucking dick, or you can switch to another option. There are 20 different climax CGs to find via the variable paths that represent a variety of different ways to see Jordi blow a load!

How long is the Grind'm hookup?

A playthrough will take around a half an hour depending on if you read the dialogue/inner monologue. In my opinion, the perfect length of time to relax and have some special alone time 😉


You may encounter an error screen saying a variable isn't defined (or something similar). This is due to the way the program the game is made in loads saves, which can sometimes cause things to break. Although nothing story-wise was changed in this update, I did make some minor changes to the backend that unfortunately may cause this.

The only way I know to resolve the issue is to begin a new game and then use the skip feature to get back to the point where you left off. As someone who has had to skip through the game from the beginning many, many, many times, I can say it really only takes a minute or so, so it won't be too much of a hassle. Though of course be aware that if you deleted persistent data as mentioned above, you won't be able to skip!

Other errors

If you encounter other errors, images not loading correctly, story paths not linking correctly, or anything else wonky, I would appreciate if you let me know! This isn't an update that needed extensive testing, but you never know...

I hope you enjoy!

Overhauling the majority of graphics for the game turned out to be a much bigger undertaking than I expected—not surprising since I'm so picky! But I think the results were worth the extended time to make this, and I hope you enjoy seeing New Connor experience the game's events for the first time.

Grind'm was very fun to create, and I think if you're looking for a sexy diversion from the main story, it'll be right up your alley. This also serves as a preview for how hookups in the main game will play out, since the options will be similar!

Thank you so much for your ongoing patronage! It really means so much that I'm able to devote time to making this the best version of the game I can make it, and I can only do that thanks to your support.

That's enough yapping from me—time to have some fun!


The New You Update is here, bringing you 300+ revised CGs plus the new Grind'm feature!
The biggest change is the introduction of a new Connor model and a sweeping update to all his art.
Image updates include improvements to framing, posing, lighting, and post-processing to refine the earliest images in the game.
Not only Connor got new art - some of the other early art was updated to meet new quality standards, like Riley's introduction.
I also took the opportunity to make smaller changes to scenes to fix awkward things like the way Griffin's arm was positioned.
Grind'm is a new feature that lets you unlock an interactive fantasy hookup with Jordi, the first of many guys to be featured.
This hookup is all about the sex, letting you choose if a more experienced Connor wants to bottom, top, stick to oral, or a mix!
Jordi is waiting for you - he's eager to show you what he can do!


Diederik van Egmond

Will there also be a gallery for the unlocked CGs from Grind'm dates?


I wasn't originally planning to, but at the very last minute I thought I could probably work that in somehow. But making a gallery would have delayed the update even more, so I compromised with the counter at the end for now. I'll probably add a gallery in a future update that you'll be able to access from the guy's profile.


New Connor looks great, and the hookup with Jordi is super hot!


Oh yeah, the Grind'm scenes were absolutely delightful. Although I'm already fantasizing about all the additional potential encounters within the gym(Beefy and burly guy, Hugh). Probably enough material for an entirely new game! The new CG's, especially the first picture of Matt & Connor, are a huge improvement. I originally always thought Matty was suffering some severe ailment in his younger years instigating his dramatic metamorphosis from duckling to swan. If I were to mention any criticism, it would be directed to some outfits. In the former CG's the materials looked more detailed. But since we mainly want to see less clothes, it's probably nugatory.


Another player also pointed out that Matt looked like he might be ill in the original CG, which definitely wasn't the intention. A good note to have received before remaking it!