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Hey there, Sophomores! At long last, it's your turn for early access. You can download the latest version of the game via Google Drive:

PC: Google Drive

Mac: Google Drive

What's in the update?

More romance, more drama, and more sex!

At the end of your first day of class, you had the option to go to either Matt's apartment or the frat party. Now you can also spend your evening at the club, the third and final option to end the day before Connor's tale continues in the next story update.

The Club Update includes:

  • 4 character storylines following a night at the club with cocky influencer Alex, soft-spoken musician Asher & his band Skinema, vivacious dancer Isaiah, and the final main character to be introduced, sly bartender Griffin, who has ties to your best friend, Matt.
  • A solo path letting you explore every corner of the club, meet colorful new characters, and dance the night away. But if you choose to drink, be careful not to go too far...
  • Reactivity to choices you've made and new choices you'll make, a preview of how choices will affect the rest of the game.
  • 3 new hookup opportunities, letting you make some wild choices on your quest to lose your virginity. Plus a few hookup-adjacent scenarios if your Connor lets his horny man brain get the better of him.
  • Over 100 new CGs to unlock, including 9 CGs of Matt that let you see more of him than ever before.

Check the gallery for a preview of what lay in store!

Accessing the new content

This update completes all the paths that can play out at the end of your first day of classes. After Will's class, choose who you want to spend the afternoon with, then choose to go to the club. To find the most content for the characters featured in this update, I recommend the following:

  • Alex - Spend the afternoon with Alex, then agree to go to the club with him; you may want to take a shower first...
  • Asher - Spend the afternoon with Asher, then agree to stay for his show
  • Griffin - Spend the afternoon with Asher, agree to stay for his show, then explore the club to kill some time
  • Isaiah - Spend the afternoon with Isaiah, then agree to go to the club with him; like with Alex, showering might be a good idea...
  • Solo - Spend the afternoon with any other character, then head to the club once the afternoon hangout ends

Where to save

As noted above, this update marks the end of your first day of classes. The next big story update will pick up the morning after, where you'll begin experiencing the consequences of your choices the night before—the bad, the good, and the extremely sexy...

I recommend you make a "canon" save with all of the choices you want to carry forward after Connor spends his night at Matt's apartment, the frat party, or the club. You may want to save in a few places—sometimes saves can be corrupted between updates.

As an example, if you're most interested in following Riley's story, take his tour at the beginning of the game, spend your afternoon with him after Will's class, then hang out with him at the party. Once you finish your night after the party ends, make a save, and then the next morning you'll see how your choices have changed your relationship with Riley, for good or for ill...

Other updates

You can now name your save files! You'll be prompted to enter a name when you click to save. This feature can be turned off from the Options menu.

The "Duos & Trios" category in the gallery has been removed. Instead, the CGs have been placed into the galleries of each guy featured in the image. This way you don't need to click around to find all the CGs of the guy you most want to see. New lock icons now hint at which as-yet-uncovered CGs feature more than one character.


You may encounter an error screen saying a variable isn't defined (or something similar). This is due to the way the program the game is made in loads saves, which can sometimes cause things to break. This may pop up more than usual in this current version of the game due to my rearranging previously released content.

The only way I know to resolve the issue is to begin a new game and then use the skip feature to get back to the point where you left off. As someone who has had to skip through the game from the beginning many, many, many times, I can say it really only takes a minute or so, so it won't be too much of a hassle.

Other errors

If you encounter other errors, images not loading correctly, story paths not linking correctly, or anything else wonky, I would appreciate if you let me know! This update in particular can branch out into all sorts of directions and references many prior choices, so even despite my many hours of testing, it's likely I missed some things.

I hope you enjoy!

This is an update that took much longer than I had planned, and I appreciate your support and patience while I worked to finish it. Even if the featured guys aren't your favorites, I think there's still a lot of fun content to uncover navigating your way through Atelier 54.

Thank you so much for being a patron—this game wouldn't exist without all of you. 🙂

Now stop reading this and go play! 😂




I have to say the new Matt CGs and the way to get them was INCREDIBLY hot. The one of him on his back...


I am so lost lol, I swear I'm trying every option to get Matt's CGs with no luck.


The update was definitely worth the wait! So much great stuff ❤ Asher's path is really lovely, he and Connor make such a cute couple :) The Alex, NC, and Mafia hookups are all super hot, and walking in on Mafia and Forte was a fun surprise! The stalker was hilarious too. Isaiah is so sweet, and the end to his night was so sad. I can't wait to see more of him (and his incredible ass) The breakout star for me was Griffin, who I am *very* glad we got to meet properly. His hookup was great mix of sweet moment, hot sex, and kind of weird vibes (especially if you ask him about Matt). I'm excited to find out more about our mysterious and friendly townie.


Oh, and I ran into an error when asking Griffin about himself while Connor was shirtless.


Someone else also let me know about the error. It's been fixed for the current version of the download. So far I think that's the only big error that's popped up... I'm so glad you liked the update, especially Griffin. Technically it's still pretty early in the story of the game, but in real world time I'm introducing a new main character long after everyone else was met. So I'm happy to see that he's coming across as intriguing!


Hey does the update merge with the base game its self or is this separate from the main game.


The file you download from this post is the entire game with the new content added in. You can delete the old version you previously downloaded. Your saves and gallery unlocks are stored in a separate area of your computer, and they'll load normally when you launch the new game version.


Griffin is turning up a bit late in the piece, relatively speaking, but it helps that he is gorgeous and very flirty. Also he has all the hot gossip about Matt and the other 21CA guys haha. Although some of his sprites do look a little odd - like his face is kind of floating in front of the rest of him. Definitely keen to see more of him and find out more about his relationships with the other guys.


Yeah, I'm not happy with the transitions between some of his sprites. I think whenever I made them I must have just turned the head bone when he shifted his head and not the entire neck like he would naturally. I'll fix that the next time I make sprites for him for sure.